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Welcome to the TTT Mentor Program, a Cambridge, Massachusetts non-profit, volunteer-run, IRS Tax code 501(3)c science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) organization.  TTT Mentor Program seeks STEM Mentors who wish to teach students who wish to learn - and to have a great time as we cultivate tomorrow's STEM professionals and seek students who just want to catch up and stay ahead developing their math and science skills.


Our target population is multicultural families with school age children in grades 4 – 7 living in the greater Boston and Cambridge communities. The academic and enrichment activities are in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The activities are Saturday-only. There are requirements for enrollment for the math/computer programming and science project classes. Activities from February through May are mostly free or minimum fees and are open to the public, only requiring registration via email.

"Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction." - John C. Crosby



"We all lead increasingly hectic lives, with too little time to stop, and get to know those around us. Those who choose to give of their time and their knowledge to the younger generations are truly the unsung heroes of Cambridge!"


Kathleen Jones, BS, M.Ed.

Founder, President & CEO

TTT Mentor Program

Over the years, the TTT Mentor Program has received support from the Cambridge and the Boston community organizations, MIT, parents and individuals; for example: South End Technology Center, Boston Museum of Science, MIT CoLab, MIT Edgarton Center, Whole Foods Market, Cambridge and MIT Community Service Fund.

We draw our mentors from across the rich spectrum of STEM professionals  and students from local universities and  laboratories as well as professionals in the corporate and medical settings who wish to give back to their community and share their passion.


The TTT Mentor Program has attracted curious, ambitious students and those who just want to improve their math and science skills and stay ahead.  They all are college bound (STEM Major and a STEM career) looking beyond the classroom to gain skills and knowledge to give them a head start.

Volunteer With Us!

Are you a STEM student or professional and you're interested in helping the next generation of STEM professionals discover their passion for learning? Join us and give back to the community! Email us for information on how to become a mentor!





TTT Mentor Program

PO Box 391436

Cambridge, MA 20139



© Copyright TTT Mentor Program Design 2000-2018

    All rights reserved



Thank You Partners In Part:///
Amy Fitzgerald, MIT Edgerton Center
Boston Museum of Science, Community Relations
Cambridge Public Schools Department
Cambridge Police, Community Relations
Daniela Frasca, Chemical Scientist II
Julia Steinberger, Ph.D, MIT'04
Mayor E. Denise Simmons, Cambridge, MA
MIT CoLab - Dayna Cunningham, Exec. Director
MIT Community Service Fund
Norm Messa, Seacoast School of Technology
South End Technology Center - Prof. Melvin King, Director
The Bernadin FamilyTe
The Stephens Family
The Wong Family
Whole Foods Market, Cambridge
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