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Dates and Places - Application Procedures


Applications for the TTT Mentor Program for the academic year are accepted and reviewed between February and August. Parents will be notified by mail or email no later than the last week in August. Once the math classes begin, no student will be allowed to apply for the current year.


The Math and Computer Science Project Development Classes are open only to enrolled TTT Mentor Program students and parents. However, the public is invited to participate in all the activities from March through June. To request an application with guidelines (program requirements, send an email.


The six-week math class begins the first Saturday after Labor Day and ends in October. Starting in October, the students will be engaged in a 10-week preparation class working on their science project for presentation and competition, which is held annually on the fourth Saturday of January.  


If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at


Volunteer With Us!

Are you a STEM student or professional and you're interested in helping the next generation of STEM professionals discover their passion for learning? Join us and give back to the community! Email us for information on how to become a mentor!





TTT Mentor Program

PO Box 391436

Cambridge, MA 20139



© Copyright TTT Mentor Program Design 2000-2018

    All rights reserved



Thank You Partners In Part:///
Amy Fitzgerald, MIT Edgerton Center
Boston Museum of Science, Community Relations
Cambridge Public Schools Department
Cambridge Police, Community Relations
Daniela Frasca, Chemical Scientist II
Julia Steinberger, Ph.D, MIT'04
Mayor E. Denise Simmons, Cambridge, MA
MIT CoLab - Dayna Cunningham, Exec. Director
MIT Community Service Fund
Norm Messa, Seacoast School of Technology
South End Technology Center - Prof. Melvin King, Director
The Bernadin FamilyTe
The Stephens Family
The Wong Family
Whole Foods Market, Cambridge
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